Our FAQ page

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Construction worker on a building.

Frequently Asked Questions

EPCM stands for Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Management.

EPCM contracts allow you, the Project Owner, to have complete control of the project while leaning on the specialist’s expertise. It also allows the project to be more adaptable to meet changes in cost, deadline, and quality.

We specialize in EPCM consulting and will work alongside the you to find the services you require. You retain full ownership of the project, while EPCMst supports the process from the beginning to the end.

Simply click on “Contact Us” and we will connect with you to address your need

EPCMst is always looking for talented individuals who can play a key role in our projects. Please send your resume and details to support@epcmst.com.

EPCMst believes in cost transparency and will send cost estimates upfront so the client always feels in control of the project.

EPCMst is capable of handling small to medium scale projects. Please contact us or arrange a consulting meeting to discuss how EPCMst can help you successfully complete your project.

EPCMst connects clients to the services conveniently online and can be managed from the comfort of their own home or office.